Авторы, Редакторы, Рецензенты



Analysis of Streamer Propagation for Electric Breakdown in Liquid/Bioliquid Vol. 1 '2011 - Plasma Medicine
Cold Plasma Sterilization of Open Wounds: Live Rat Model Vol. 1 '2011 - Plasma Medicine
Cold Spark Discharge Plasma Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in an Animal Model of Ulcerative Colitis Vol. 1 '2011 - Plasma Medicine
Effects of H2O2 and Low pH Produced by Gliding Arc Discharge on the Inactivation of Escherichia Coli in Water Vol. 1 '2011 - Plasma Medicine
Evaluation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Sterilization of Escherichia coli with a Swept-Wavelength Resonance-Raman Device Vol. 1 '2011 - Plasma Medicine
Fast Blood Coagulation of Capillary Vessels by Cold Plasma: A Rat Ear Bleeding Model Vol. 1 '2011 - Plasma Medicine
Harnessing Plasma Technology in Cream Formulations for Medical Applications as a Nitric Oxide Donor: Proof-of-Concept Vol. 13 '2023 - Plasma Medicine
Bacterial Inactivation in Liquids Using Multi-Gas Plasmas Vol. 2 '2012 - Plasma Medicine
Deep Penetration into Tissues of Reactive Oxygen Species Generated in Floating-Electrode Dielectric Barrier Discharge (FE-DBD): An In Vitro Agarose Gel Model Mimicking an Open Wound Vol. 2 '2012 - Plasma Medicine
Plasma Acid Production in a Gliding Arc Plasmatron Vol. 2 '2012 - Plasma Medicine
Nonequilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Ophthalmology Vol. 3 '2013 - Plasma Medicine
Spatially Resolved Optical Emission Spectroscopy of a Helium Plasma Jet and its Effects on Wound Healing Rate in a Diabetic Murine Model Vol. 4 '2014 - Plasma Medicine
Nonthermal Plasma Reduces Water Consumption While Accelerating Arabidopsis thaliana Growth and Fecundity Vol. 5 '2015 - Plasma Medicine
Mechanisms of Biocidal Activity of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Air Jet with Misting Vol. 6 '2016 - Plasma Medicine
Non-thermal Plasma Treatment of Flowing Water: A Solution to Reduce Water Usage and Soil Treatment Cost without Compromising Yield Vol. 6 '2016 - Plasma Medicine
Nonequilibrium Plasma Decontamination of Corn Steep Liquor for Ethanol Production: SO2 Removal and Disinfection Vol. 6 '2016 - Plasma Medicine
Use of Green Fluorescent Protein for Rapid Assessment of the Bactericidal Activity under Cold Plasma Irradiation Vol. 6 '2016 - Plasma Medicine
Immune Cells Enhance Selectivity of Nanosecond-Pulsed DBD Plasma Against Tumor Cells Vol. 7 '2017 - Plasma Medicine
Nanosecond-Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge–Induced Antitumor Effects Propagate through Depth of Tissue via Intracellular Signaling Vol. 7 '2017 - Plasma Medicine
Optimization of Short-Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharge for In-Package Disinfection Vol. 8 '2018 - Plasma Medicine
Planar Helium Plasma Jet: Plasma "Bullets" Formation, 2D "Bullets" Concept and Imaging Vol. 8 '2018 - Plasma Medicine
Plasma Sterilization of Root Canal Abscess Vol. 8 '2018 - Plasma Medicine
Preface: 7th International Conference on Plasma Medicine (ICPM-7) (Part I) Vol. 8 '2018 - Plasma Medicine
The Plasma Treatment Unit: An Attempt to Standardize Cold Plasma Treatment for Defined Biological Effects Vol. 8 '2018 - Plasma Medicine
Chemistry of Air, N2, and O2 Reverse Vortex Gliding Arc Plasma System Vol. 9 '2019 - Plasma Medicine
Enhancing Shelf Life of Bananas by Using Atmospheric Pressure Pulsed Cold Plasma Treatment of the Storage Atmosphere Vol. 9 '2019 - Plasma Medicine
NOx AND CO EMISSIONS OF METHANE/AIR FILTRATION COMBUSTION WAVES Vol. 0 '2000 - Proceedings of Symposium on Energy Engineering in the 21st Century (SEE2000) Volume I-IV
THERMAL AND NON-THERMAL REGIMES OF GLIDING ARC DISCHARGES Vol. 0 '2000 - Proceedings of Symposium on Energy Engineering in the 21st Century (SEE2000) Volume I-IV