Begell House作者,编辑及审稿者

O. G. Zinkovskiy

Institute of Hydrobiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine


Bacteria Numbers and Proteolytic Activity in the Water of the Lake Located within the Urban Territory Vol. 51 '2015 - Hydrobiological Journal
Embryonic and Early Postembryonic Development of Carp and Activity of Enzymes of the Energy and Plastic Metabolism under Impact of Water Temperature Fluctuations Vol. 53 '2017 - Hydrobiological Journal
Physiological-Biochemical Peculiarities of Adaptation of Perch and Common Carp to Elevated Water Temperature Vol. 53 '2017 - Hydrobiological Journal
Effects of the Reference Toxicants on Several Biochemichal Parameters of Pikeperch Sander lucioperca Vol. 54 '2018 - Hydrobiological Journal
Energy Metabolism in Organs and Tissues of Perch Perca fluviatilis under Changes of Water Temperature Vol. 54 '2018 - Hydrobiological Journal
Impact of Humates of Alkaline Metals on Functioning of Several Cyanoprokaryota and Chlorophyta Species Vol. 54 '2018 - Hydrobiological Journal
Lipid Peroxidation and Content of Photosynthetic Pigment in the Cells of Some Cyanoprokaryota and Chlorophyta Species under the Impact of Tannins Vol. 56 '2020 - Hydrobiological Journal
Viability of Juvenile Cyprinids under Elevated Content of Ammonium and Phosphates Vol. 56 '2020 - Hydrobiological Journal
Influence of Temperature and Oxygen Regimes of Aquatic Environment on Fish Embryos and Larvae Vol. 57 '2021 - Hydrobiological Journal
Changes in Hormonal Status of Aboriginal Fishes under the Impact of Agricultural Runoffs Vol. 59 '2023 - Hydrobiological Journal
Readaptation of Silver Carp to Standard Conditions after Long-Term Toxic Ammonium Nitrogen Load over Some Generations Vol. 59 '2023 - Hydrobiological Journal
Peciliarities of Hormonal Regulation of Growth Rate and Generative Functions of Fishes under Increased Anthropogenic Influence Vol. 60 '2024 - Hydrobiological Journal