Advances in Molten Salts

ISBN Print: 1-56700-142-4

Transport reactions in salt melts and their applied aspects


Systematic studies into interaction between metals and nonmetals in salt melts have served as the basis for development of a new scientific lead: the study of transport reactions in ionic melts. The motive force of these reactions is the energy of formation of alloys or inorganic compounds. The general direction of the transfer of matter from “less noble metal to more noble metal” was illustrated by a series of standard potentials in particular melts. The most significant factors responsible for the transport rate - the nature of the salt melt, the temperature, the interdiffusion coefficient of the melt, the concentration Asoiv., the distance A-B, viscosity and hydrodynamics of the melt - were determined. The method of the mass transfer depended on the form of the dissolved component “A” in the salt melt. The most common transfer schemes were considered. Our findings may serve as the basis for development of methods for deposition of protective and special coatings on metals in salt melts or production of powdered alloys and inorganic compounds.