Begell eBook Platform

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Prices and Payments

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  • All prices are listed in U.S. dollars and are subject to change without notice. All payments should be made in U.S. dollars.
  • Begell House will process orders within 48 hours.
Begell eBook Platform
Number of Titles Annual Lease Perpetual Access
Classics 4 $3,286 $10,415
A-Z Begell eBooks 85 $6,943 $9,145
Series in Thermal & Fluid Physics & Engineering 12 $2,525 $2,525
Series in Contemporary Perspectives in Emerging Technologies 3 $358 $358
Proceedings 31 $4,086 $6,129
Begell eBook Platform (all above) 135 $17,198 $23,085
Special Introduction Price 135 $10,319 $12,200

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