Advances in Molten Salts

ISBN Print: 1-56700-142-4

Possibilities of Chemical Treatment of Raw Materials and the subsequent electrowinning of Metal in Molten Chlorides. Review of previous results


The long term goal of our research is to develop a continuous process for the treatment of ores and industrial slags in molten salts and the subsequent electrowinning of metals. The fields of our research are described as follow: ▫The use of low temperature molten salt mixtures for light metal production. ▫The use of low temperature molten salt mixtures for the production of refractory metals by a continuous process involving chlorination of the ores and the subsequent electrolysis. This process may also be considered for the purpose of electroplating. ▫The treatment of lead and zinc concentrates from industrial slags by dissolution in a selected molten salt mixture with the subsequent recovery of metals by electrolysis. This process may also be used for metals containing wastes. ▫Study of the possibility of preparing semiconducting materials