Sustainable Energy Storage for Furthering Renewable Energy

ISBN Imprimer: 978-1-56700-525-7

ISBN En ligne: 978-1-56700-526-4

DOI: 10.1615/978-1-56700-525-7.0

David S.-K. Ting(open in a new tab) Turbulence & Energy Lab, Centre for Engineering Innovation, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Jacqueline A. Stagner(open in a new tab) Department of Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Engineering, University of Windsor

John Harvey Kellogg noted that “food is simply sunlight in cold storage,” and stored food can prevent hunger when the field is hibernating. Likewise, excess energy can be put in “cold storage” for good use when needed. Specifically, energy storage is necessary for furthering intermittent renewable energy. This volume disseminates the latest progresses in sustainable energy storage for furthering renewable energy. The opening chapter, “Renewable Energy Storage: Too Many Options, Not Enough Time?” reveals that “too many cooks spoil the broth.” The most appropriate storage technologies are a function of the type, size, usage, etc. Also included is a chapter presenting the latest energy storage strategies along with projections of renewable energy sources including wind, solar, and geothermal. Another energy storage highlight is phase change materials (PCMs). If exploited appropriately, PCMs can save energy in buildings and electronic devices, including integrated chips for electronic systems and light-emitting diodes (LED) for revving vehicles, alike. A novel way of cooling photovoltaic panels to retain high energy conversion efficiency is to convert the heat into electricity via thermoelectric generators. A competing approach is to cool the panels with the help of PCMs and nanofluids. Thermodynamically, however, it makes sense to directly harness solar thermal energy for heating such as cooking whenever possible. Conventional solar cooking stoves suffer particularly from sun availability and intensity. A concentrating solar collector, thermal heat storage, and an efficient heat exchanger can bring this clean cooking technology into the future. The volume wraps up with a sentiment that, to further the progress toward sustainability, one cannot pretend we will drop fossil fuels instantaneously.
223 pages, © 2022

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