Microgravity Fluid Physics & Heat Transfer

ISBN Print: 978-1-56700-147-1

ISBN Online: 978-1-56700-444-1

The results from experiments conducted at earth normal gravity , and in reduced gravity environments of the parabolic flights, drop towers, sounding rockets and space shuttle were presented at the conference. A total of twenty-four papers were presented by participants from different parts of the world. Almost all of the papers are contained in this volume. The papers are grouped as follows: capillary and two-phase flow in microgravity, bubble dynamics in microgravity, boiling heat transfer in microgravity, droplets and bubbles in microgravity, biological system behavior in microgravity.


Capillary and Two Phase Flow in Microgravity

PRESSURE DROP MEASUREMENTS OF TWO-PHASE FLOW IN HELICAL COILS UNDER MICROGRAVITY CONDITIONS Edward G. Keshock , Chin S. Lin, Patrick W. Dunn, Michael Harrison, Lawrence G. Edwards, Joel Knapp DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.40 pages 28-36

Bubble Dynamics in Microgravity

SINGLE BUBBLE DYNAMICS DURING NUCLEATE BOILING UNDER LOW GRAVITY CONDITIONS D.M. Qiu , Vijay K. Dhir, M.M. Hasan, David F. Chao, E. Neumann, G. Yee, A. Birchenough DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.80 pages 62-71

Boiling Heat Transfer in Microgravity

POOL BOILING IN MICROGRAVITY Johannes Straub DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.140 pages 114-125
POOL BOILING MECHANISMS IN MICROGRAVITY Ho Sung Lee, Herman Merte, Jr. DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.150 pages 126-135
BURNOUT HEAT FLUX IN MICROGRAVITY Koichi Suzuki, Yukari KOYAMA, Hiroshi Kawamura DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.170 pages 144-150

Droplets and Bubbles in Microgravity

TEMPERATURE FIELDS IN A LIQUID DUE TO THE THERMOCAPILLARY MOTION OF BUBBLES AND DROPS Gunter Wozniak, R. Balasubramaniam, R Shankar Subramanian, P.H. Hadland DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.190 pages 160-166
EARTH-BASED AND MICROGRAVITY STUDIES OF SPOT-HEATED LEVITATED SINGLE DROPS Eugene H. Trinh, S.K. Chung, Satwindar Singh Sadhal DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.200 pages 167-174
THE QUENCH TEST WITH PERFORATED PLATES USING CRYOLIQUID AT "1g" AND AT "micro-g" Lloyd C. French, K.V. Ravikumar, Robert Confair, Traugott H. K. Frederking DOI: 10.1615/MFPHT-1999.210 pages 175-182

Biological System Behavior in Microgravity