1st World Congress of Young Scientists on Hydrogen Energy Systems

ISBN Print: 1-56700-230-7


DOI: 10.1615/HYSYDAYS2005.10
pages 19-25


In the assessment of long term behavior of the complex system we have to introduce notion of sustainability as the measure for the quality of the system. It is defined as the quality which is measuring the ability of our society to secure and not compromise the ability of future generation to have quality of the life at least the same as our generation.
The safety property of complex system is immanent to any system. It reflects quantitative merit for degradation of the system. Also, it includes rate of changes for any process leading to degradation of the system. Environmental degradation is among the most pressing global issues confronting modern society.
Sustainability and safety are linked with the similar essential idea to prevent degradation of the quality of the system. The sustainability is defined as the aggregation function of physical, social, technological, environmental and resources parameters. The safety is time derivative of the sustainability index.
Demonstration examples of application of the multi-criteria in the evaluation Sustainability Index and Safety Index of hydrogen system proves that the evaluation of complex system is involved in sustainable development research with associate uncertainty suggesting that the research should move toward the search for general principle and guiding questions for new investigation.