Heat and Mass Transfer Australasia

ISBN Print: 978-1-56700-099-3

Heat Transfer Modelling of Submerged Gas Injection into a Molten Metal Bath

DOI: 10.1615/978-1-56700-099-3.430
pages 359-365


A problem associated with gas injection into molten metal through tuyeres is the accelerated erosion of refractory lining due to a back attack phenomenon caused by pressure and liquid velocity fluctuations impinging on the refractory surface. Back attack is closely linked to the gas conditions at tuyere exit, and in this study a computational (CFX-F3D) model has been used to predict the radial velocity, density and temperature profiles for gas flow exiting a circular tuyere into a molten metal bath. It was found that both the adiabatic and non-adiabatic models predicted a deficit in the mass flux and dynamic pressure in the body of fluid adjacent to the tuyere wall when compared with fluid in the centre of the tuyere. The deficit at the walls is used to explain, qualitatively, the back-attack phenomenon.