Авторы, Редакторы, Рецензенты

O. S. Potrokhov

Institute of Hydrobiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine


Physiological-Biochemical State of the River Perch Perca fluviatilis under Different Conditions of Wintering Vol. 50 '2014 - Hydrobiological Journal
Peculiarities of Morphological and Biochemical Parameters of the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus from the Dnieper-Bug Liman and the Dnieper River Vol. 51 '2015 - Hydrobiological Journal
Peculiarities of Physiological-biochemical Interrelations in Symbiotic Communities of Freshwater Fishes under the Impact of Inorganic Nitrogen Compounds Vol. 51 '2015 - Hydrobiological Journal
Physiological and Biochemical Status of Fishes of the Fam. Percidae in Winter Vol. 51 '2015 - Hydrobiological Journal
Hormonal Regulation of Adaptive Processes in Fishes to Impact of Abiotic Factors (a Review) Vol. 52 '2016 - Hydrobiological Journal
Embryonic and Early Postembryonic Development of Carp and Activity of Enzymes of the Energy and Plastic Metabolism under Impact of Water Temperature Fluctuations Vol. 53 '2017 - Hydrobiological Journal
Flexibility of Reproductive System of Females of Fam. Percidae in Terms of Physiological-Biochemical Parameters Vol. 53 '2017 - Hydrobiological Journal
Physiological-Biochemical Peculiarities of Adaptation of Perch and Common Carp to Elevated Water Temperature Vol. 53 '2017 - Hydrobiological Journal
Effects of the Reference Toxicants on Several Biochemichal Parameters of Pikeperch Sander lucioperca Vol. 54 '2018 - Hydrobiological Journal
Energy Metabolism in Organs and Tissues of Perch Perca fluviatilis under Changes of Water Temperature Vol. 54 '2018 - Hydrobiological Journal
Changes of Biochemical Indices in the Gills of Anodonta cygnea L. at High Water Temperature and at a High Concentration of Sodium Ions Vol. 55 '2019 - Hydrobiological Journal
Peculiarities of Biochemical Response of Fish to Anthropogenic Load under Conditions of Urbanization Vol. 55 '2019 - Hydrobiological Journal
Peculiarities of Hormonal Responses of Fishes under Temperature Water Thermal Fluctuations Vol. 55 '2019 - Hydrobiological Journal
Lipid Peroxidation and Content of Photosynthetic Pigment in the Cells of Some Cyanoprokaryota and Chlorophyta Species under the Impact of Tannins Vol. 56 '2020 - Hydrobiological Journal
Viability of Juvenile Cyprinids under Elevated Content of Ammonium and Phosphates Vol. 56 '2020 - Hydrobiological Journal
Features of Physiological-Biochemical Reactions of Stone Moroko Pseudorasbora parva and European Bitterling Rhodeus amarus to Phenol Vol. 57 '2021 - Hydrobiological Journal
Impact of Anthropogenic Pollution on Activity of the Energy Metabolism Enzymes in Carassius auratus and Impact of Anthropogenic Pollution on Activity of the Energy Metabolism Enzymes in Carassius auratus and Scardinius erythrophthalmus Vol. 57 '2021 - Hydrobiological Journal
Influence of Temperature and Oxygen Regimes of Aquatic Environment on Fish Embryos and Larvae Vol. 57 '2021 - Hydrobiological Journal
Changes in Hormonal Status of Aboriginal Fishes under the Impact of Agricultural Runoffs Vol. 59 '2023 - Hydrobiological Journal
Readaptation of Silver Carp to Standard Conditions after Long-Term Toxic Ammonium Nitrogen Load over Some Generations Vol. 59 '2023 - Hydrobiological Journal
Water Level and Temperature as the Main Factors Responsible for the Formation of Conditions for Aboriginal Fish Fauna Effective Reproduction in the Kremenchuk Reservoir Vol. 59 '2023 - Hydrobiological Journal
Peciliarities of Hormonal Regulation of Growth Rate and Generative Functions of Fishes under Increased Anthropogenic Influence Vol. 60 '2024 - Hydrobiological Journal