Begell Multimedia

О Begell Мультимедиа

Begell Multimedia is an online multimedia platform that hosts two multimedia databases and multimedia journals. The content is peer-reviewed and presented in an exciting interactive format with videos, animations, unit conversion and simple calculators. Begell Multimedia runs on a semantic search navigation system with built-in taxonomy of thousands of scientific, engineering and biomedical terms.

The content is developed by International Editorial Boards and provides total global coverage and usage of 146 countries worldwide. Begell Multimedia content has been developed over 33 years and is quarterly updated by the foremost known specialists in the world – it is now is fully searchable and available for tablets and other mobile devices.


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Каталог Begell House 2023 доступен для скачивания в формате PDF!
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Журнал "International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification" доступен на iPad! Установить приложение(open in a new tab) 
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A Textbook for Heat Transfer Fundamentals Composite Materials Qualification Frank Abdi
Harsh Baid
Rashid Miraj
Beth Clarkson
Jacob Fish
ISBN Print: 978-1-56700-490-8
ISBN Online: 978-1-56700-491-5