Heat Pipe Technology: Volume 1. Fundamentals and Experimental Studies

ISBN Print: 0-8493-9921-1


DOI: 10.1615/IHPC1990v1.140
pages 133-140


The autonomous two-phase systems (ATPS) to which heat pipes also belong strengthened their position are one of the most effective means of solving different heat problems during the recent years. Unfortunately the temporary and mighty methods of systematic analysis and artificial intelligence almost have not found their place in the theory as well as in the practical use of ATPS - for example in the development of heat transfer systems of this type. The mistakes which are made during the initial stages of designing at a choice of heat transfer apparatuses and its concretization are significant and cost dear. The quality of the accepted decision depends on the competence of the specialist, the available information and the possibilities for realization.

The principles of building of an expert system, showing the advisability of using ATPS are exposed in [1]. The second stage of the creating of an automated system "Advisor for ATPS" is considered in the present work. In case the using of a heat transfer system with low temperature heat pipes is indispensable it is necessary to choose the materials for the elements of the pipe - corpus, working fluid, capillary structure and also type of capillary structure. Many firms, producers of most various types of heat pipes are known depending on the spheres of application and the temperature range. The practice shows however that in spite of the great variety of different constructions on the world market, frequently becomes necessary the developing of new types for satisfying specific consumers needs or for improving of the already existing.

The methodological bases of building of the second module of the automated system "Advi sor f or ATPS" - synthesi s of 1 ow temperature heat pipes are proposed in the present work.